How to Solve K518 program Renault primastar 2004 key ok but not start van

Lonsdor K518ISE: Renault primastar 2004 – program key all went OK, but after finished the key would not start van, or work with central locking.

2x keys tested, both from AUTOWAVE company. keys were LOCKED after programming.

Programmed under Renault trafic first, then Renault master second key used.

Maybe it was faulty keys, I don’t know, autowave keys are usually good.


ISK (Crypto low, Crypto high) = is the 6 byte in HITAG2 which close the pcf (like a password) if you have cloning stuff you can see the ISK after key decoding, like Handy or something or some tools are informing you like Renault ECu tool. Whatever, you got the ISK
Take your transponder programmer and enter the isk. Put the locked key to the programmer, it depends the prommer there is a different ways but you can always unlock Renault hitag2 keys or cards(7946, 7947) if you have the ISK.
And yes even the EFFI able to do it, my miraclone have a dedicated button..etc.
When I programming Renault I always writing down the ISK. If the key is broken/defected/something I can start over after unlock.

In addition, the only key you can’t unlock if you know ISK is the new Renault card for Meganne. 2. If order by official dealer card come locked with Vin you order and can’t unlock with any way.

Tested 100% OK:

I programmed Primastar with Lonsdor last saturday, all good.

Good luck!